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Dame de Pic/Cie Karine Ponties



Karine Ponties founded Dame de Pic/Cie Karine Ponties in 1996. With 46 plays performed in 38 countries and 1000 tour dates on 4 continents, the company is renowned for its unique body language. Based in Brussels, its local identity has been shaped by structuring partnerships with Belgian artists and institutions. Over time, the company's work has also gained international recognition and awards, leading to extensive collaborations abroad.​Exploring forms and formats characterized by their outreach to the public, this choreographic research revolves around translation. Translating, editing, not the human in the world, but the world in the human, living beings among other living beings; translating as a mediation between a plurality of cultures and the unity of the human being.​From a dialogue between cultures to a dialogue between the arts, each of the company's projects has served as a meeting point and cross-disciplinary horizon between local and international dancers, actors, illustrators and musicians, with dance as a platform, a way of engaging and meeting others.​ Over the past 25 years, the company has built up and nurtured its own production and distribution network, particularly in Eastern What's more, while the company's consistently exceptional quality has guaranteed the loyalty of Belgium's leading dance production and distribution institutions, they have also continued to develop tools to broaden their reach and involve audiences unknown to or far removed from dance. The company's work revolves around a series of different objectives: the creation and dissemination of new repertoires, international artistic collaborations, artistic education, raising public awareness and mentoring young and/or up-and-coming artists. Thanks to the personal commitment of Karine Ponties, the company has also participated in various European projects and offers ongoing support to young and future artists.​​



CONTACTS:​ Dame de Pic /asbl Rue du Labeur

1 B-1070 Bruxelles


Tel.: +32 (0) 476 21 72 90 Studios Le Labeur –

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